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What is the Best Website for Christening Suits?

Shopping for your baby boy baptism outfit is a lot easier when you can get it all at our online christening boutique. It will take you all of a few minutes to browse through our product categories, add to your cart, and checkout.

We have a collection of unique newborn baby boy baptism outfits, including christening suits in different hues and styles. You can make your search easier using filters. Type in baby white dress pants, for example, and you’ll be spoilt for choice and want to add all of them to your little man’s wardrobe.

liam baby boy suit

(Our Liam Baby Boy Suit is a stunning newborn baptism suit)

How Do You Dress a Newborn?

From rompers to onesies, and of course, christening suits, you want to choose clothing that looks good on your little man. Even more important is that your baby boy feels good while wearing the baptism outfit you buy. It is, therefore, a matter of both style and comfort.

plain miles vest suit

(the Miles Vest Suit - a classic baby boy christening suit) 

what size is a one year old boy in clothes? 

9-12 months. unless he's big 

is 0-3 months the same as 3 months?


On the comfort front, getting the size right ranks up there with the choice of material. Getting the size right is more about your child’s actual measurements, that is, height and weight than it is about their age. In reality, with most babies, the age and weight may not necessarily coincide, and some kids are too tall for their age, and others too short.

It’s best to avoid being too hung up on the age sizes. After all, the age sizes are just a guideline. Whenever you are in doubt, you can always send us a message and we will be glad to help! 

grayson shorts suit

(the Grayson Baby Boy Christening Suit - perfect for warmer weather)

How Should a Baby Boy Dress for His First Birthday?

The first of many. Yes, a day to celebrate your little boy’s journey and all the milestones achieved. You want your little man dressed for the occasion, and christening suits are just perfect. This classic ensemble will have your boy looking like a little gentleman.

In a dress shirt, neatly tucked into fitting pants and a baby boy newsboy cap to add that wow factor and bring the whole outfit together, your little man will look very dapper in his baby boy dress suit. A nice pair of stylish and matching shoes to go with the suit, and your baby boy will be picture-ready as you take incredible photographs from his first birthday party.

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